GF Staff Recruitment Opens

Gaming Furever is looking for active gaming enthusiasts in our community of furry gamers that are interested in finding and reporting on anthro-centric gaming news, demoing and previewing upcoming games from up-and-coming developers, and playing and reviewing newly released games within our furry interest zone. Even if you don’t believe you’ll be able to contribute a lot weekly, feel free to contact us and let us know what you’d be up for! We want to be the preeminent place for news, previews, and reviews of furry games, and even the smallest amount of help helps! Below, we’ve laid out the type of staff activities we’re looking for, in various capacities. Each bullet point is its own task, and won't be required of every staff member.

Furry Game News Reporting

  • Find and link to breaking and relevant news, updates, cosmetic DLCs, characters, and anything that fits into the “furry” and animal-based gaming genre and link to them in the Discord.
  • Edit and post news that is found to and relevant social sites

Game Previewing & Demos

  • Discover upcoming games being developed for Steam and other platforms that involve anthros/furries and link to them in the Discord.
  • Edit and post previews of upcoming games (even without demos) with your thoughts, relevant furry details, and social media sources for game/developer.
  • Play demos of upcoming games and upload videos of the playthrough to GF and Social Media
  • Add games to the GF Furry Game Database

Game Reviewing & Playing

  • Write reviews of games featuring furries in any capacity and post them on GF and share on our social media platforms.
  • Livestream and post your playthrough/live review of games featuring furries/animals in any capacity on GF and our social media platforms.
  • Occasionally receive review keys to play the game and then post reviews on our website or our Uncivil Gamers YT channel.

Editor & Writer

  • Interest in writing opinion pieces or editorials on GF
    • These include things like “How Sonic changed the gaming landscape” or “Top 5 upcoming Indie Games featuring Foxes”
  • Editor for received/posted news, previews, and reviews from other contributors. Posting these articles to GF and Social Media for the site.
  • Social Media manager that keeps and eye out for relevant news and shares them on our social platforms.

If any of these tasks sound like the type of thing you’d enjoy (or you already do in your free time) please reach out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., me personally at @DaxelTheDeer on Telegram, or @Daxel on Discord, with what you’d be interested in contributing as Staff on Gaming along with where it’s best to contact you (preferably Discord or Telegram.) If you have previous examples of content you have posted (either on another site or to your own X/Twitter/Bluesky/etc. account,) please include that as well. Our staff communication will take place on Discord, so having a Discord account will be required. Feel free to join our Discord server here if you want to get to know everybody and join in! NOTE: Content posted on Gaming Furever will not be restricted to Gaming Furever. We want to be a hub for our community to come and find fantastic furry creators and enthusiasts. You are free to post your content on your own timelines, video channels, and sites.

We can’t wait to meet all of you! If you’ve been a part of GF before and want to join back up, you’re more than welcome back aboard! If you’re a newcomer, we hope you’ll give us a shout!

About Author:
Hey I’m Joshua Hyles! Owner and Editor of Gaming Furever. Married. He. Pan. Lover of cruises, travel, food, drinks, my wife and my family.
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