Eden Eternal


Game Details

Release Date
October 28, 2010
Max Players

Furry Features

Furry Relevance
Players can choose from a few furry races, including bears, mice, and amphibian.
Kumi, Ursun, Anuran, Tuskar, Torturran, Drakai

Eden Eternal is a new MMORPG from the creators of Grand Fantasia and Kitsu Saga. It has over a dozen classes which players can unlock and swap between on the fly while outside of combat. In the game, your character has a character level and class level for each class. The player can play as a variety of bear, frog, and mice-like races, along with human characters as they search for clues as to what has happened in their past, since they awoke in this magical realm with no memory of their past.

Website: http://edeneternal.aeriagames.com

Race Bios from Eden Eternal:


The Zumi are lovers of invention and commerce, with a surprising amount of creativity packed into their petite frames. Having originated from the parched deserts of the southeast, some have theorized that it was this barren existence that opened their minds to the inspirations of the cosmos. They traveled to the Central Continent for its vast trade opportunities. Though they generally mingle peacefully with other races, they regard the Anuran with disdain, considering the frog-people too light-hearted and unappreciated of the scientific arts.


The Anuran were shy and somewhat isolated prior to their voyage to the Central Continent. However, their initial contact with other races sparked their curiosity, and they grew to be outgoing and companionable, adapting to the welcoming nature of other races. They became known for their clownish sense of humor, and while Anuran Guardians take their role very seriously, they do so with a silly grin.


A closely-knit race from the high mountains, the Ursun regard their impressive history and culture as sacrosanct. Several hundred years ago, all Ursun lived under the rule of a great King, but a struggle for the throne divided the kingdom into two warring factions. The usurper failed, but led his violent followers into the lowlands. Though he is long dead, the community of savage Ursun he founded struggles on to this day.

X-Legend relaunched Eden Eternal on May 4th, 2023 with more classes and content.

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